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Tuesday, February 28, 2006 


Tell us the story of how you chose your house. What makes your house your "home"?
My mom and dad moved here in 1952 - I was 12. There were a lot of fireplaces in the house and big trees up and down the streets. I got married and moved my bride in with the folks here in 1958. Since I was an adopted only child, I got the house when Mom passed away in 2001. We raised our children here and we're raising our newest grandchild here too. We like the big "roomy" rooms and high ceilings.

What does your neighborhood mean to you? Why do you stay?
When we first moved here, this was one of the prettiest neighborhoods to be in - it really is a historic neighborhood. We enjoy that the gardens and the churches have stabilized the neighborhood. It is easy to get around - the accessibility is great. Our 3 kids walked to school and those schools are still here standing. Our neighbors also make life good.

How do you describe the neighborhood to your family? your friends? Are the two descriptions different?
For the most part, it has always been a fairly stable neighborhood. The fact that the garden is so close probably contributes to it.

Tell us about your ideal snapshot of the neighborhood in 5 years. In 10 years.
There was kind of a flight in the 60s - it's nice to see young professionals moving back in. I'd like to see the renovations continue and the neighborhood maintained. We need new streetlights like the ones on Grand ave - the old-fashioned kind that light up the entire sidewalk!